Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Value Project


 Reflection Questions

  1. In my previous post, I talked about my issue of scale.  By continuing to engage with my drawing, I was able to experiment with different line placements in order to fix the problem I had  with scale.
  2. I have further pushed my knowledge by understanding how different line qualities make an object appear either more forward or back in my drawing.  I have also pushed my understanding of shadow by continuing to experiment until I am content.
  3. I felt more comfortable drawing than in the dark room because I had more control over each individual line.
  4. The drawing also gave me more "expression" because I was able to control every line as apposed to just using the pictures that I had already taken.
  5. I would suggest spending less time in the dark room because four prints only takes about 2-3 days.  I felt like I could have made better use of my time if it wasn't spent in the dark room longer than needed.     

Monday, February 13, 2012

Value Project Photos

Value Project Photos

  1. With this photo assignment, I developed my craft by becoming more familiar with my resources. Instead of using the same settings for each photo, I adjust the aperture, time, and tint on the enlarger to experiment and eventually find out what settings are the best for each individual print.
  2. So far, I have used an enlarger, a camera, a light, chisels, a block of wood, developer, photo paper, china pencils, and film.
  3. My main problem for this project is knowing how long to leave the photos in the developer and the other liquids.  Some of my prints have been in there too short and are not completely developed.
  4. I will ask my peers about the time they put their prints in the developer for.  

Value Project Drawing

Shading Drawing

  1. So far, I have developed my craft with a pencil with my use of shading.  I hae discovered how to vary my shading techniques, so instead of shading the whole drawing with one style, I can vary my style for different objects.
  2. For this drawing, I am using 4 different pencils, and eraser for blending, as well as paper, a board to draw on, and a light to amplify the shadows.
  3. So far, the only problem for me is my perspective.  A lot of my lines are not how I see them.
  4. To solve these, I am going back and correcting all the lines that appear differently on my paper