Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Big Love Sculpture
  1. To create an overall plan for the sculpture, the entire class put their ideas together.  For example, me and a couple other students had the idea of having a man pillar make up the fountain, as apposed to a wall or arch.  Our idea was selected to be in the main design and it was fun to see our idea transform from a thought to the actual sculpture.
  2. Overall, A stage-piece doesn't have to be completely perfect in the sense that every square millimeter doesn't have to be uniform.  Because the audience is further away, the props can be painted a main color, the covered with different blotches of colors.  The different colors then blend together and make the stone tiles look weathered.  I was most engaged when my group was working on making the overall base.  It was fun to use tools to make something bigger than the boxes from the last project.
  3. Overall, the meeting a the beginning of the project was successful because everyone was able to give ideas for the main project.  People could give ideas, modify other ideas, or do both.  Everybody participated and entire class worked well together.
  4. I was really happy because I was able to pick my group.  I chose to be in the group that made the base because I wanted to do mostly woodworking.  I was happy that I learned how to use some new power tools.
  5. The overall base is the most successful part of my groups work.  We made it sturdy so it can hold the weight of a couple of people.  However, the most successful looking element that my group participated in was the tiles.  The tiles look really convincing from a distance through our painting technique.  We mixed different shades to make the stone look weathered.
  6. My group was constantly giving itself feedback along the way.  We were always changing elements of the base to make it as successful as possible.  I think the sculpture as a whole looks great, especially for the short time period.

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